Thursday, January 11, 2007

Brilliant response to a church leaving

Recently the Rector and vestry of St. John's Church in Petaluma decided to dissociate from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. In an absolutely brilliant move, the Rector of The Church of the Incarnation in Santa Rosa took out a full page ad in the local paper to let people know that the other Episcopal congregations in the area were not like St. John's church in Petaluma. You can read the ad here

The initiative got picked up as news by the press and has shifted the conversation in the media.

I think one of the best responses we can make to the present conflicts in the church is to present our message of inclusion boldly.



Liz McClatchy said...

This is incredible! What a great way to respond.

Sue Clark said...

I forwarded a copy of the article to my cousin Jim,who has been in a committed partnership for many years. This is his response, which he sent to Rev. Lawrence.

"You have restored my faith and belief that most people are good,fair, compassionate and understanding

I think his response says it all

Lisa Gardiner said...

Very interesting! I think those of us in the church need to be aware of how we're framing this issue for ourselves, too--not just how the media is doing it to us. Is this a "crisis" for us, or also, possibly, an opportunity?

Crosbeian said...

There is nothing brilliant about any of this. The church is being destroyed by division.